Friday, November 8, 2013

Project Art Institute of Chicago (AIC) – Make: Pavilion, Chicago, IL

5th year graduate studio - Fall 2013 MidCrit

For this project we have to design an "art-pavilion" on a really narrow site (280'x90') in Chicago IL.
There are a lot of challenges designing on this site, the elevated train that runs right next to the site, the small and narrow dimensions and many other issues...., here are some drawings I presented today:

Exterior Perspective

Exterior Perspective

Night Render

Interior Perspective

 North Elevation

West Elevation

East West Section

North - South Section

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Recording of 4th Years Design Studio Presentation

last Studio Project as an Untergraduate: the Downton Library

It was very interesting, because when I started this project by doing some research for libraries I realized it this is a building type that has changed significantly over the last generation. Probably more than any other building type.
The reason for that is; electronic information these days is becoming easier and easier accessible; so enormous book collections, that once were the organizing feature of libraries, have lost their importance as academic resources. Especially us the young generation that grew up using the Internet has little patience for a labyrinth of “book-stacks” and long searches through printed materials.

So for the design approach of this project I stepped away from this building prototype that used to be traditional and monumental, and instead go with a more fluid style, that satisfies the brought needs of today’s society, instead of just having a storage for book stacks.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Celebrate Earth Day

For this assignment we had to design and submit a poster for the Lewis Clark Recyclers’ 8th Annual Earth Day Celebration, incorporating digital imagery and typography in a meaningful way to communicate the theme of reducing carbon emissions or supporting environmental sustainability.
The conceptual theme had to focus on one of the following Earth Day campaigns (Recycling e-waste, stop oil drilling in Yasuni National Park, planting trees to support The Canopy Project, “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”).

Friday, February 15, 2013

Art 380 - Collage with the Theme "Change"

For this exercise we had to use photoshop and the photo merge tool to composite a photomontage.We had to experiment with at least 3 different photo merge blend settings, such as reposition, collage, perspective, spherical, cylindrical; as well as appropriate adjustment layers to improve the contrast and tone. Then we had to incorporate other imagery into our composite that should further support our narrative of "change".My story of changed is referring to how we adjust to changing times, but still hold on to unchanging principals, in this chase the hunger for entertained. In ancient rome the people just needed bred and games (lat. panem et circuses), these days we are happy with hot-dogs and games on a sunday afternoon...., so not much has changed, we just adjusted...., well...barely.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

2013 Portfolio

Umiker's Winery

This project was a group project; the work was based upon group consensus. As opposed to individual work that was put together at the end, creating the whole of this project, we worked intensively, on each issue, as a group.

For this project the group dealt with an existing barn-structure that has been retrofitted to create a winery and a tasting room. Multiple real-world clients of interests were involved in the project: The Lewiston City Planning, The Nez Perce County Zoning Commission and the Umikers, the owners of the winery that is currently located in downtown Lewiston. It was a great experience to work with multiple clients, because it forced our group to think about a lot of aspects and impacts associated with building and landscaping that we haven't dealt with in previous studios.

Main Perspective, looking North

Wall Detail with Living Wall

Section West-East

Section North-South

Tasting Room

areal view with visual barriers

areal view

Perspective with tasting room (looking south)

Physical Model